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Ketton C of E Primary School

Term 1

Welcome to Term 1! This term we will be going on a journey through the ages.


In History, we will be looking at the changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. We will be immersing ourselves into Stone Age life through an experience day where we will get to dress up as Stone Age people before we decide if it was better to live during the Stone Age, Bronze Age or Iron Age. 


The Kestrels will look at adventure stories and explanation texts in English. We will

be reading and analyzing Stig of the Dump by Clive King, before trying to write our own setting and character descriptions. Afterward, we will design our own cracking contraption for Wallace from Wallace and Gromit. Then we will write an explanation about how our machine works for Wallace. 


In Maths, we will be focusing on place value within 1,000 and addition and subtraction.  We will begin by representing numbers to 1,000 with base-10 equipment and on a number line. We then will use this new knowledge to solve addition and subtraction problems with 3-digit numbers. 


In Science, we will be looking at the rocks, fossils, and soil. We will look at their properties and how they are formed. This topic will take us to the Quarry to look at different rock types and fossils. 


In P.E, we will be furthering our ball handling skills through a range of different ball games. We will have Dance on Fridays.  Our P.E days will be Tuesdays and Fridays please come to school wearing the correct P.E kit. 


In ICT, we will be focusing on digital e-safety and connecting computer systems. 


In Music, we will be looking at Timbre and the pictures in sound. 


In PSHE, we will be focusing on what makes a good friend. In order, to ensure we maintain good friendships during our time in year 3.


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