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Ketton C of E Primary School

Term 3

Our learning this term

Welcome Back 


After a fantastic two terms of learning new routines and expectations, we are now ready for our third term in the new year 2023!  Again, our weeks will be busy and filled with lots of learning in a variety of subjects.  


PE - Our new PE days will be Tuesday and Wednesday.  We have net and wall games this term. How exciting!


As always, drop us a line on dojo if you have any questions.

Thanks, Miss Healey and Mrs Cherry


Some key dates for this term include:

KS2 Boys football- 27th January

E-safety Day- 7th February

Sing & Praise- End of term Church Service- 10th February


Homework tasks will continue to be given out every 2nd week on a Monday. is our maths task each week.  

Spelling continues on a 2 week cycle - week one learning the spellings and week 2 putting them into sentences.  Our grammar task will continue on a 2 week cycle due every time the sentences are due in spellings.  



Around the world in 40 days!

This term we will be looking at artwork, religion and tourism from a range of cultures. 


Geography- Uk VS France 

The children will continue to develop their knowledge of the human and physical geography of the Uk and France. They will learn about trade and how mountains and volcanoes are formed. After this, they will begin completing a case study on the human and physical features of the Lake District and the Alps. They will then provide a comparison of these two mountain ranges and the tourist attractions. 




This term we are exploring the colour spectrum.  We will be investigating the artist Carolee Clark. We shall be exploring how she uses tints and shades in her paintings of animals. We will also look at how this creates shadows in paintings. Using our sketchbooks will enable us to practice these painting techniques before creating our own unique piece of artwork in her style. 




This term we will continue to work on efficient methods for multiplication and division. We will develop our understanding of the multiplicative properties of numbers. This unit follows prior learning on multiplication and division and precedes work on money. We will therefore be practicing our 2,3,4 and 8-times tables. 



In English, we shall be exploring narrative by investigating how to write a threat narrative. We shall be reading the book Iron Man by Ted Hughes and Chris Mould. We will also be looking at how to write an explanation text later in the term. 


Our VIPERS sessions will follow extracts of text and our class read this term which will be:

The Boy who grew dragons by Andy Shepard


Science - Reflection, light & dark, protection of eyes, shadows, size change of shadows.


In science, we are investigating the properties of light. We will learn to recognize that we need light in order to see things and that dark is the absence of light. Before exploring how shadows are formed. 



This term we shall we exploring how Hindus live in Britain today.  We shall be looking at the ways in which Hindus worship, celebrate and practice their religion in Britain today. 


Music- Pitch and pattern

In Music, the Children will learn to combine their knowledge of pitch and rhythm to create ostinato patterns that can be used to accompany songs, or to create mood music.


PSHE- What are families like?


Enrichment - Sculpture 


This term we take on sculpture in Enrichment. We will recap our prior learning and knowledge of sculpture in year 2 in order to be ready to enhance our knowledge in year 4. 


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