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Ketton C of E Primary School

Term 4

Welcome back to term 4. I can't believe we are 1/2 of the way through the school year - where has the time gone? This term is going to be a jam-packed one, lots of learning to be done and memories to be made! Here is an overview of what we will be getting up to...


In Science, we will be going to be learning about Living Things and their Habitats. In the Eagles class, we will will learn about how animals are classified into broad groups according to their characteristics. We will explore plants and animals looking closely at their micro-organisms to see what makes them the same and different. We will learn how to use classification keys and learn about the man who created the classification system: Carl Linneaus. 


This term, we will be continuing our Geography unit where we work to answer the big enquiry question of: What is the true human impact on our planet? We will carry out this topic whilst focusing closely on the continent of Africa. We will explore climate, biomes, develop our locational knowledge of the world, investigate food and water distribution on the health of nations, compare the UK to Africa, explore habitats and debate about how us, as humans, negatively and positively impact the planet. A very exciting topic for sure! 


In Maths, we will continue to consolidate all that we have learnt so far in Year 6 whilst also learning some new areas of study: measure including volume, algebra, ratio and proportion and geometry! We will keep working hard on our daily arithmetic and build on our multi-step questions and problem solving techniques. We will also have our after school Maths Boosters starting Thursday 23rd.


In English this term we will be starting our new class read called Holes by Louis Sachar. We will write numerous pieces of writing this term but our first piece will be inspired by this new book. We will write a diary entry in the role of the main character and we will also be writing a speech and a non-chronological report. 


In RE, we will be learning about Salvation in the run up to Easter. Our big enquiry question will be... Why is the resurrection important to Christians? We will investigate why Christians believe in the resurrection, what the bible tells us and become detectives at the 'crime scene' when the resurrection occurred. Towards the end of the unit we will take an Easter hunt (with our reading buddies too!) around the village and the church looking for signs of the salvation and links to Easter. 


In Music this term we will be learning about pitch and pattern. We will learn how to find patterns between the pitch of sounds and the features that produce them. We will create our own pieces of music with our new learning in mind. 


We will also have French this term with Mrs Honorez!  


PE in Term 3 will continue to be on a Tuesday and Friday. Our sessions on a Friday will be with the Welland Dance Academy so bring your dancing shoes Eagles! 


Key dates for this term: 

23rd Feb - SATS Booster Sessions begin after school 3:30-4:30pm

27th - 28th Feb - Parents Evenings

1st March - Y5/6 Trip to London to see Matilda 

2nd March - World Book Day 

17th March - Sports Relief 

31st March - Easter Church Service



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