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Ketton C of E Primary School

Kestrels - Year 3

Welcome to the Kestrels! I cannot wait to get started! We have an exciting year ahead with lots of new, exciting learning and topics to look forward to. 

On this page you will find homework and learning information under each term. 

The Kestrels' Teacher is Miss Healey and Mrs Cherry is our Teaching Assistant. Please do not hesitate to come and chat with us at drop-off or pick-up, or send us a message on Dojo. 



Spellings and literacy – spellings will be handed out once a fortnight, on a Monday.  These are taught and then practiced in school most days. Spellings will be tested every Friday.  Children will also have a grammar task to do online which will be set once a fortnight, on a Monday and will be given a log in for this.


Maths homework – The children will all have their TT Rockstars login, and this will continue to be practised during Year 3.  Children will also have a login for an online maths homework programme which will be set once a fortnight on a Monday.


PE-times will vary each term so please check the class website page or Class Dojo for the most up to date information.  



Reading- If your child is a free reader, they will still be expected to fill in their reading record in order to keep track of what they have read. Reading records will be monitored by both adults in the class. However, the children will become responsible for changing their reading books once they are free readers. They will be able to borrow books from the school library which they can take home.

Kestrels Year of Learning

Contact Details and Useful Links
