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Ketton C of E Primary School

Term 1

Term One


We are very excited about the start of term and can't wait to get to know our new Flamingos. The children will have a staggered start to school, allowing staff to spend quality time with individuals and allowing children to feel happy, safe and secure.


We will be starting the year off getting to know each other, our interests and some of the different things that we would like to learn about throughout our time together. Our first few weeks will allow us to have some time to settle in to our new setting and get used to some of the rules and routines. We will soon begin learning some sounds following the Letters and Sounds phonics program. We will not only practise saying the sounds, but also learn rhymes to help us remember how to write the letters correctly.  We will begin our maths learning journey too; this will be taught through our Power Maths scheme.


Please make sure your child is familiar with their school belongings and know where to find their name labels or identifying features! Please don't forget to label everything!


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