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Ketton C of E Primary School

Term 6

Wow - Final Term!! 

At the end of every year I always look back and reflect on how quickly it has whizzed past and the same is true of this year.  The Falcons are totally ready for their final term before heading up to Eagles.  


We have so much on this term; it is always my favourite term. 

Dates for your diaries:

11th June French Day 

12th June KS2 Athletics event 

18th June KS2 Trip to Twycross Zoo 

21st June Falcons to RLT Music festival

24th June Falcons to Inspiring Scientists at Casterton College 

26th June Sports Day (Weather permitting) 

17th July Falcons Park treat (TBC) 


PE will be on Wednesday and Thursday this term.  We shall be doing orienteering and cricket this term. 



We shall be studying the religion of Islam and learning about what it means for Muslims to follow God? 



We shall be learning how to code a quiz and practicing loads of quizzing opportunities. 



We finish our history this year by learning about the Mayan empire.  We shall investigate why the Mayan's died out and how they lived when they were at their peak.  



We are learning printing this term.  We shall look at different printing techniques and aim to create a self portrait. 

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