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Ketton C of E Primary School

Term 6

Last term was very busy and it looks like Term 6 will be equally as busy. We have our Trip to Twycross Zoo, an Athletics Festival, a French Experience Day,  a trip to the Burghley Sculptor Park,  our poetry recital and we are having dance lessons with Rutland Dance, to name but a few of the exciting events we have this Term!


In Term 6 we continue with our Geography topic where we will explore the world beyond Europe by visiting the continent of Asia. Our aim is to answer the enquiry question - How does water travel around the world?  In order to answer this question we will learn more about the water cycle and the importance of water as a resource through studying the River Ganges.


In Science the Ospreys will investigate States of Matter. This unit links well with our Geography topic – Rivers and the Water Cycle. In this unit the Ospreys will compare and group materials together, according to whether they are solids, liquids or gases. They will also investigate the changing state of some materials when they are heated or cooled, and they will measure the temperature at which this happens.


Art - following a fabulous trip to the Sculptor Garden at Burghley House the Ospreys will explore the work of two sculpture artists – Barbara Hepworth and Augusta Savage before designing and creating a 3D sculpture inspired by nature and constructed from wire and Modroc.


In English, the Ospreys will explore The Lost Happy Endings by Carol Ann Duffy from this they will write a twisted narrative and a persuasive letter. We also have another awesome class read this term, Cloud Busting by Malorie Blackman, a children's novel written in verse, with each chapter using a different type of poetry. A great way to consolidate last Term’s poetry unit.


In Maths, the Ospreys will be learning to convert between units of time and tell time in both the 12 hour clock and the 24 hour clock. They will also learn to present data using pictograms, bar charts and line graphs before moving onto geometry where they will be learning about angles, quadrilaterals and symmetry.


In RE they will continue exploring ‘How and why do people show their commitments during the journey of life?’ This unit enables the Ospreys to learn from different religious and spiritual ways of life, relating to milestones on the journey of life. Through exploring baptism, Nam Karan and marriage, they will learn how and why people show their commitments during the journey of life.


French - Mrs Honorez will be delivering our Modern Foreign Language lessons this term with a focus on sports and hobbies.


We will have PE on Wednesday afternoons and Friday mornings this term. On Wednesdays’ sessions the Ospreys will be learning striking and fielding skills with a focus on rounders. On Fridays’ sessions they will be doing dance with a specialist dance instructor from Rutland Dance.

Phew - an exciting final term for the Ospreys! yes

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