Term 1
First stop - Important Information
Our PE will be on Wednesday and Friday in term 1. Term 1 we have Tag Rugby and Dance. Please come to school in school PE kit.
Homework will always be set and checked on a Friday
Maths - all children will have a login for math.co.uk and will have a weekly task set to complete at home. TT Rockstars will still need to be practiced during each week to ensure fluency of facts.
Grammar - all children will have a login for spag.com and will have a fortnightly task to complete at home.
Spellings- spellings will be a massive part of our learning in Year 5. We will have to practice every day at school. Children will be expected to show a week's worth of practice in their homework book every Friday. There will be three rules to learn each term and also a list of stand alone words that the Government has set for all children in Year 5 and 6. We will work through the full list to help make Year 6 easier.
Our Learning for Term 1
Vicious Vikings - were they really that bad?
This is what we will aim to discover. Were the Vikings traders or raiders? Why did they come to the shores of the UK? Did they bring any new inventions to the people of the UK at that time? What did the Vikings believe in? Did they have any skills? And did they really wear those hats?
We will be historians researching facts and finding out as much as we can about this fascinating period of time.
Blast off into Space!
In our science this term we shall be learning about space. We will be investigating day and night, shadows, learning about the solar system and the planets. An out of this world topic!
Structural Designers
For our first design technology unit we will be understanding what a frame structure is and how it can be used effectively in buildings. We will then use this knowledge to develop our woodworking skills and create simple structures.
In English we will be inspired by our space topic to produce some writing based on the moon landings. We shall be recapping our previous grammar learning from Year 4 as well as introducing some Year 5 grammatical features.
We will be reading a book as a class and answering comprehension questions to develop our understanding. It's top secret until we start our unit though.
RE - Guidance from above
In RE we will be learning more about Christianity. As part of our work we will be holding debates, creating artwork in response to certain aspects, writing our opinions and learning more about what Christians believe. We will discuss how this learning links to our Christian Values as a school.
Our maths this term will focus on place value of numbers up to 7 digits. The children will notice patterns about our number system and the best ways to calculate using this knowledge. Then we will progress to the 4 operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We are always trying to refine our knowledge of these operations to ensure we use efficient and accurate methods.
PSHE and British Values
This term we will be exploring the British value of democracy. We will go over all five values but focus specifically on democracy.
PSHE will focus on our health and well being.