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Ketton C of E Primary School

Term 1

Welcome to Term 1 of what promises to be an exciting year!

We will begin our year getting to know each other. Our first topic is 'I wonder what makes me so special?' where we will be thinking all about ourselves and what makes us unique. We will spend a lot of time getting to know our new friends and exploring the different areas of our classroom too. 

Our phonics programme (Read Write Inc) will begin this term. During our 'Fred Time' we will learn a sound each day beginning with m a s t p. As we learn the new sounds we will send them home for you to practice with your children at home too. These will be in their yellow books - please can these be returned to school every Wednesday. 

Don't forget to keep looking on Class Dojo to see the exciting things that we have been exploring together. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to send me a message on Class Dojo or send an email to the school office. 

Mrs Howard

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