Term 1
Personal Social and Emotional Development
How can we be ready for learning? Model, explain, praise and practise good listening.
Learn classroom routines and the different activities in the timetable. Eg snack time, lunch
Understand the class golden rules and be able to explain why they are important.
Get to know new friends and the adults in the classroom.
Talk about ourselves and our families
Talk about how we are feeling
Communication and Language
Daily weather and date song
Role play
Sing nursery rhymes and songs
Circle time – develop turn taking and listening skills
Follow simple instructions
Listen to stories and discuss them
Asking and answering questions about each other
Retell simple events from the past
Physical Development
Use trim trail sessions to develop balancing, climbing and jumping.
Use outdoor areas and equipment eg bikes, balls, cones, activity trail
Use the story ‘Oh the things you can do which are good for you’ to develop understanding of handwashing, drinking water, recognising feelings ..
Develop fine motor skills through lots of different resources and activities to develop pre -writing skills
Practise recognising and writing own name
Meet Fred and learn the RWI routines, my turn, your turn, magnet eyes..
Hear and say the initial sound in words
Start learning to recognise and write the set 1 sounds.
Listen to and retell familiar stories. Use the book corner independently
Play rhyming games and enjoy rhyming stories
Decide what they would like an adult to write eg about their picture.
Learn number songs and rhymes
Subitise up to 5
Understand the counting sequence, 1;1 correspondence, cardinality
Investigate the composition of 3,4 and 5
Match and sort objects
Compare and order sets
Order by sizeCount aloud together, count in play, provide lots of different resources and purposes for counting.
Explore numbers up to 0-3 in detail, look at the relationship between them, put them in order, recognise the smaller numbers that make up each number. Learn to write numbers to 3.
Introduce tens frame, numberblocks, numicon
Use shapes to create and build patterns and picture/structures
Explore simple repeating patterns
Knowledge and Understanding of the World
Identify and name the different body parts
Look at how we have changed from a baby to now – what can I do now that I could not do before?
Look at similarities and differences between each other
Discuss our families and special experiences/events we have had in our lives
Look at how the Seasons are changing
RE – Special Me – Where do we belong?
Expressive Arts and Design
Learn and sing new songs together, including songs about parts of the body, and school songs.
Explore musical instruments
Use a variety of different resources….paint, pastels, crayons, chalks etc to mark make
Use Squiglet to explore different lines and patterns and experiment with drawing
Look at how to draw themselves and encourage adding detail to pictures. Model drawing for children and share their work.