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Ketton C of E Primary School

Term 4

Welcome to Term 4 

This a term where the light returns and spring is truly on it's way! 

You'll see from the range of subjects below we have a busy term!

Homework will remain on Fridays - spellings, reading challenge and weekly.  

Drop me a dojo if you need anything.


Mrs Glassford smiley





We continue with our topic on 'Would you live on the Ring of Fire?' We go in depth by looking at two countries on the Ring of Fire that have similarities and differences. We will investigate human and physical features of these countries and go on a a field trip around our village learning how to reading map coordinates. 



Changes to Old Age is our focus for term 4.  We shall be investigating how babies grow and develop and how our bodies change through age.  We shall be looking at how age affects some animals too. 



We will continue to swim on a Tuesday for another 5 weeks.  Our second PE sessions will be based on striking and fielding sports.  We shall be trying our hand at rounders and cricket.  Our second PE session will remain on a Wednesday afternoon. 



In English we shall be reading Strange Worlds Travel Agency and writing flashback narratives.  



Maths this term focuses on fractions and decimals.  We make the links between division and fractions.  Then we shall look at how decimals build on our knowledge of fractions and division. 



We shall carry on learning how to play the trombone with Mr Turnbull from the Music Hub.  We are getting really good now!  A concert will follow at the end of term.  



Madame Honorez will be returning to teach our French this term.  



In Re we will be studying the Easter story through the lens of salvation.  

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