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Ketton C of E Primary School

Term 6

Term 6 – Our Wonderful world! 

What an exciting half term we have ahead of us Kingfishers! From athletics festival, sports day, a trip to the zoo and lots more! I am excited to be with you for the last half term before summer, getting you all set for Year 3.  


In English our key text will be Grandad’s Island by Benji Davies. We will use this as a stimulus for writing a narrative and information report. We will be orangising an afternoon where grandparents (or another special adult) can come to school to read the children’s work and share a story with them – more information to follow in due course.  


In Maths we will be consolidating our learning on multiplication, division and fractions. Then we will spend time learning how to describe position and movements. We will explore more word problems and will be practicing those 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables.  


Our learning in Science will begin with looking at the human life cycle and what we need to survive. We will then move on to learning about habitats and the food chain. In class we will have our own caterpillars and watch as they develop into butterflies.  


In DT, we will be learning how to build a vehicle with moving wheels. We will start by investigating the wheeled products and toys that can be found in school. We will study them carefully and draw detailed diagrams showing the different parts. Finally, we will learn how to fix and free axles before making our own vehicle.


We will be continuing in RE to explore the concept of different beliefs. We will learn about the lives of Mother Teresa and Dr Barnardo, as well as stories Christian and Jewish people talk about the beginning of the world and how to treat the world.  

In Music we will be exploring tempo and rhythm. We will learn how to drum this term. We will be listening to music and will focus on the duration of the piece and how it makes us feal. We will learn about different composers and pick our favourite tunes.  


Meanwhile in PSHE, we will be building on from what we learn last half term and will discuss what helps us to stay safe. We will think about key people in our lives, actions we can take and what part we have in our own personal safety and those around us.  


This half term PE will continue to be on Monday and Tuesdays. We will learn how to play kickball and will develop our skills in gymnastics and dance.  


It will be a busy half term Kingfishers but there are so many exciting learning opportunities for us to get stuck into! 


Miss Brass  

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