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Ketton C of E Primary School

Term 5

Term 5


ROCK ON!!!!!

Now that Easter is over, it's a busy run towards the summer.  Hopefully the sun will shine and music will fill the ears of everyone!

This term we will practice and perform our Year 5 play.  We have a busy term of learning and rehearsals. 


Homework remains the same as previous terms. 


Keep an eye on dojo to see what we are up to each week.  



Our final science this year is learning about life cycles and reproduction.  This final unit builds on our knowledge about changes to old age. 


Design Technology

This term we will be learning to sew! We shall be designing soft toys and then attempting to sew them. 



Our PE this term will be athletics and dance.  PE will happen on Friday and Wednesday.



In English we shall be reading Oh Maya Gods and in our English lessons we shall be writing fiction and non fictions pieces based on a book called The Promise. 



Maths this term focuses on securing decimals, percentages and fractions and how they link together.  We shall also be looking at geometry and the properties of different shapes. 



We shall be working on our performance this term so singing is our music focus. 



In RE we will be researching the impact of religions on the world and how religion helps followers to make decisions in their life, bringing comfort and calmness to millions of people.  

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