Term 3
Happy New Year!
Welcome back to Term 3!
A short but fun packed term!
Read on to find out more about what we will be up to!
Our theme for this term is,
Where in the world am I?
The question, What is it like to go to school in Ketton? will be the focus for our learning in Geography this term. We will start our unit by identifying the country in which we live on a globe and then zoom in on the location of Ketton on google maps. We will look for familiar landmarks and explore the surrounding area. We will learn the terms ‘rural’ and ‘urban’ and the key human and physical features found in each location before using aerial photographs and maps to decide how we would describe the location of Ketton. We will then zoom in on our school. A scavenger hunt will help us find locations on a map and learn how keys help us to identify places. To end our unit, we will make a 3D map of our school and create our own key.
Our work in English will be inspired by the book ‘Hermelin’ by Mini Grey - a detective story with a difference! When precious objects go missing on Offley Street, Hermelin steps in and solves the mysteries! However, when the residents throw a party to thank him, they are in for a big surprise! We will begin by having lots of fun immersing ourselves in the characterisation and language of the story before going on to identify how it has been written. To end our unit, we will plan and write our own version of a detective narrative. Throughout the unit we will consolidate our understanding of how to write a sentence and build on our knowledge of spelling conventions.
In Art, we will be looking at the work of various print artists and build on our colour knowledge to create our own printed pictures using everyday materials. We will choose specific colours to create different repeating patterns and explore the different textures objects can make when printing.
In Maths, we will be thinking about the numbers up to 20. We will start by looking at the value of 2-digit numbers and partitioning them into tens and ones before adding and subtracting these numbers.
In Science, we will continue to observe the changes across the four seasons. We will observe and describe the weather associated with winter and how the length of the day increases as we move towards Spring.
In RE, we will be thinking about the question, Who is Jewish and how do they live? The unit is split into two halves and we will revisit the question again in Term 5. In this half of the unit we will be finding out about objects that are special to Jewish people and learn how and why they celebrate Shabbat.
In Term 3, our PE days will be on a Thursday and Friday. On a Thursday, the Owls will work with Mr Aust, developing greater control and co-ordination when safely moving in a variety of ways around spaces. They will explore new activities, working co-operatively, taking turns and following instructions and rules. On a Friday, they will be working with a specialist dance teacher! Please come to school wearing your PE kit on these days. Remember to make sure that you have warm clothing as whenever possible, our Thursday lessons will take place outside.