Term 2

Welcome to Term 2! This term our driver will be our Geography topic- The UK vs France.
In Geography, we will explore what's the same and what's different between the UK and France. We will look at the location of both countries, and the physical and human features. We will also develop our map skills and knowledge of how to use a compass. We will complete a fieldwork trip to identify the physical and human features of Ketton.
The Kestrels will look at non-chronological reports and diary entries in English. We will be writing a non-chronological report on an animal from the Stone Age. Our stimulus for this writing will be Cave Baby. Afterward, we will look at Mary Anning before writing a diary entry from Steve Backshall's perspective. Our whole class read this term will be: The Butterfly Lion by Michael Morpurgo.
In Maths, we will be focusing on addition and subtraction and multiplication and division. They will develop an understanding of the key skills of formal addition and subtraction through place value, checking strategies, and mental methods. Children will use their growing understanding to explore calculations that do or do not require an exchange, developing fluency, accuracy, and confidence in their ability to perform these calculations. They will be able to apply to check strategies to decide for themselves whether their answer is reasonable or likely to be an error. They will also look at grouping and recalling 3,4 and 8 multiplication facts.
In P.E, we will be furthering our ball handling skills through a range of different ball games this term our focus will be netball. We will also develop our gymnastics skills. Our P.E days will be Tuesdays and Wednesdays please come to school wearing the correct P.E kit.
In DT, we will be exploring packaging before creating a beautiful, safe, and strong package for Christmas chocolates.
In PSHE, we will be focusing on what keeps us safe.
In R.E. we will be exploring the trinity and the Christmas story through the eyes of Angel Gabriel. Children will understand how baptism enters Christians into God’s family and how the bible tells of both adults and children being welcomed in. The children will begin to explore the role of God the father, God the son, and God the holy spirit as the holy trinity. We will explore different symbols and meanings of the holy trinity and why it is important for Christians. Then we will look at the Christmas story and build on the knowledge by looking at the story through the lens of the Angel Gabriel. We will explore why angels are so important and how they link with God. Children will be able to retell the Christmas story with Angel Gabriel specifically in mind.
The Kestrels will start learning French this term. The topic 'me presente' will teach the children greetings and how to introduce themselves in french.