Hello and welcome to the Owls!
We are a class of 27 Year 1s. Our teacher is called Miss Hatton and Mrs Cherry is our teaching assistant.
This year promises to be an exciting, fun filled year. To help you to keep up to date with what is happening in the classroom, we will be using Class Dojo.
Please make sure you remember to come to school in your P.E. kit on the days that we have P.E. P.E. will be taking place outside at the moment so remember to make sure you have warm clothes and your trainers. This Owls will have P.E. on Monday and Wednesday.
There are lots of opportunities for reading in the Owls. This year the Owls continue to use their phonics to help them to decode unknown words and develop their comprehension skills further by talking about what they have read and by making predictions using clues in the text to help them. Reading books will be changed on a Monday and a Thursday but please remember to bring your reading book to school each day. It is important to read each reading book at least 3 times. On a first read, the Owls will be using their phonics to decode unfamiliar words so a second read of their reading book helps to increase reading fluency and word recognition. A third read will allow them to develop their reading comprehension as they will be more confident with the words so will be able to focus on reading for meaning. As well as reading their school reading book, the Owls can also read other books that they have at home.
In the Owls we are Ready, Respectful, Resilient, Resourceful, Responsible and Reflective learners. Each term we focus on all of our 6Rs through our learning in the classroom.
For an overview of the learning taking place this year, click on the Owls LTP below and to have a more detailed picture of what is happening each term, click on the icons above each term name.
I can't wait to get started on our learning adventure!