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Ketton C of E Primary School



Every two weeks your Kingfisher will learn a new spelling pattern or rule. These will be practised in school every day.


On the first Monday a rule or pattern is introduced, your Kingfisher will bring home a spelling list to practise for two weeks at home. On the sheet there will be some brief notes about the pattern or rule and some blank boxes that can be filled in with other words that also follow the same pattern or rule.

The first week the children will be asked to practise their new spellings and copy out the words.


The second week, the children will have the same list and will be asked to practise the words in a different way. This will be given out at the beginning of the second week. At the end of the second week there will be a short test to see how much they have remembered.


Below are a few additional ideas you could use to help your Kingfisher learn their spellings.


Cover the bottom of a baking tray with a thin layer of flour. Look at your first word, hide the word then write it in the flour.

Don’t forget to check if you got it right!

Make your words using magnetic letters.

Once you’ve made them, ask someone to mix them up – can you make them again?

Choose one of your words. Look through an old magazine and see if you can find all the letters in it. Cut them out and stick them back together to make the word!

Choose a word. Get a newspaper and put a circle around it each time you find it. How many can you find?


Make your words out of play dough


Write your words outside in chalk.


Paint your words!


Write each of your spelling words in a different colour.


Make your words in string!


Can you make you words using squirty cream or shaving foam?



Write each letter in your word in a different colour.


Get someone to time you for a minute – how many times can you write your word?


Make up a silly sentence to help you remember the order of the letters. For example:

Big Elephants Can Always Understand Small Elephants


Get a friend to write one of your words with their finger on your back. Can you guess which one they have written? Now you try writing one on their back!


Once your Kingfisher is confident writing the words on their spelling list, they could try writing them in an exciting sentence!


The key to learning to spell is to keep activities fun and practise regularly!


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