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Ketton C of E Primary School

Kestrels - Year 3

Welcome to the Kestrels class! The Kestrels is a class of 27 children. Miss Hatton is the class teacher and Mrs Cherry and Mr Brocklehurst are the teaching assistants. 


In the Kestrels the children strive to be Ready, Respectful and Safe learners. We think about these three things in everything we do during our time at school.


We recognise that Year 3 is a very special year and understand that your child is making a big step from one key stage to another.

We will be encouraging your child to build skills of independence and we will be guiding them to become more resilient as they embark on their Key Stage 2 learning journey.

The children will be encouraged to start to take responsibility for changing reading books and handing in homework.

They will also be encouraged to discover and follow their own interests and make their own creative choices wherever possible.



Spellings and literacy – spellings will be handed out on a Friday.  These are taught and then the children practise them in school most days. Spellings will be tested every Friday.  Children will also have a grammar task to do online and will be given a log in for this. Grammar homework will start in term 2.


Weekly Maths homework – Children will have a login for an online maths homework programme which they will do each week.  After Christmas the children will also be given a TT Rockstars login, so that they can practise their timestables at home.


PE- The times for P.E. will vary each term so please check the class website page or Class Dojo for the most up to date information.  



Reading- If your child is a free reader, they will still be expected to fill in their reading record in order to keep track of what they have read. Reading records will be monitored by the adults in the class. However, the children will become responsible for changing their own reading books once they are free readers. They will be able to borrow books from the school library which they can take home.



Water Bottles and Snacks


We want all children to be alert and ready to learn. As the children know, a brain needs to be well-watered.  We encourage the children to bring in their own water bottles.  These are kept in the classroom and the children can access them whenever they choose and they can be easily refilled in the classroom when needed.


We encourage the children to bring in healthy snacks for the middle of the morning. We ask that these be fruit or a similar healthy alternative.



What are we up to this year in Kestrels?

All of our plans are subject to change but we shall attempt to do a wide variety of activities and trips and fun learning experiences throughout the year.

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