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Ketton C of E Primary School

Term 3

Welcome back to Term 3! 

Our theme for this term is 

Polar Adventure! 


We have a busy and fun-filled term ahead of us. Read on to find out more about what we will be up to in the Kingfisher class! 


In Geography our learning will help answer the question ‘Is it harder to live in the United Kingdom or the polar regions?’ Using a wide range of resources, we will learn all about the climate, human and physical features and animals that live in these regions. We will compare this with the knowledge we gained of the United Kingdom in Year 1 and finish our unit by holding a debate! 


In Maths, we will start the term learning about money. We will learn how to count pence and pounds and make amounts in different ways. We will then go on to calculating totals and finding change. In our second unit we will be learning about multiplication and division. We will learn how to solve problems involving multiplication and division using concrete materials, arrays, repeated addition and mental methods as well as how to write mathematical statements involving these operations. We will learn the multiplication facts for the 2-, 5- and 10-times tables and the related division facts. 


In English, we will start the term by reading Bog Baby by Jeanne Wills. We will use these as a stimulus for writing our own finding narrative in a similar style. In the second half of the term, we will learn about non-chronological reports. We will investigate instructions before going on to write a set of instructions ourselves. 


In our DT unit we will be designing and making a bag! We will start by investigating how different bags are made and then learn how to use a template and different joining techniques.  


In  RE we will be thinking about the question, ‘Who is Jewish and how do they live?’. We will listen to stories used in Jewish celebrations and learn how Jewish people celebrate special times. 


This term PE lessons will take place on a Thursday and TBC. Please come to school wearing your P.E. kit on these days. On a Thursday they will be developing their teamwork skills when learning to play dodgeball! 


What an exciting term we have ahead of us! 



Important dates for your diary! 

Safer Internet Day – 6th  February 2024 

Sing and Praise Church Service – 9th  February 2024 

Contact Details and Useful Links
