Term 1
Term 1
Can you believe the start of a new school year is here and your final year at Ketton begins?
This year is going to be super exciting, we have so many fantastic events, lessons and opportunities planned - it’s certainly going to be a year to remember.
In Science…
We will be exploring evolution and inheritance. This will involve exploring how living things have changed over time, how fossils provide information about living things that inhabited the earth millions of years ago and how creatures have adapted to suit their environment and lots, lots more! There will be several exciting investigations along the way!
In English…
We will be using our topic as a stimulus and so our Eagles will produce a number of peices of writing this term which link to the life of Charles Darwin - a famous face in the theme of evolution. We will be writing a discovery narrative based on his famous voyage and an explanation text linking nicely to our exploration of living things. There will be many other opportunities to write as we work our way through our class read for Term 1.
In Reading…
We will be reading a text called Who Let The Gods Out by Maz Evans. A familiar author to the Eagles as they did read another one of her books in the Falcons class. This particular book follows the adventure of a young boy as he meets Greek Gods and Goddeses along the way.
In History…
We will be working towards answering a big question “How have the Ancient Greeks influenced modern day life?”. In order to answer this big question at the end of term, we will explore what artefacts, myths and legends tell us about civilisation in the Ancient Greek era. We will also explore how the Ancient Greeks developed education, our law system, sport and architecture.
In Maths…
We will be starting the year by revisiting our understanding of place value - looking at numbers to 10,000,000. We will then learn to order and compare these numbers later in the term. We will look at reasoning and problem-solving using all four operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
In RE…
We will be debating, thinking and discussing what Christians really believe about the beginning. Is it possible to be a Christian and a scientist? How did the world really begin? These are examples of the questions we will be discussing whilst we explore the Creation Story this term.
In PE…
We will be kickstarting the year with invasion games and in these lessons we will be developing our basketball skills.This term we will also have dance lessons with Sarah from Rutland Dance. PE will take place on Wednesdays and Fridays so please wear your full school kit to school on both of these days.
In PSHE and British Values…
We will be thinking about how friendships change over time. We will work towards exploring stereotypes and how they can influence our ideas and opinions. We will discuss what respect is and the importance of respectful relationships and discuss how to manage conflicts, using real life scenarios to help us.
Our British Value focus for Term 1 will be Democracy.
A very busy term for sure! Let’s go!