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Ketton C of E Primary School

Term 1

Term 1

The first term as an Eagle looks super exciting! Here is a bit more detail...  


In History...
We will be starting the year by becoming historical detectives in our first topic exploring Ancient Greece. The Eagles will be delving deep into a historical enquiry to find out ‘What do we have in our lives today that we can thank the Ancient Greeks for?’. We will be investigating where the Ancient Greeks fit into world history, how Ancient life is different to the modern world we live in today and investigate what legacies the Ancient Greeks have left behind.  


In English...

Using our topic as a stimulus, the Eagles will write their own Greek Myths this term and will begin to embed newly taught Year 6 grammar targets into their writing. Towards the end of the first term, we will use our knowledge from music lessons with Mrs Regan on Tempo and Rhythm to help us write a form of poetry known as Rap and parents will be invited to a Rap Recital evening to listen to the Eagles laying down some tracks!! 

Our class read this term links to our Ancient Greece focus and it is called Who Let The Gods out by Maz Evans. We will spend a lot of time exploring this book in detail in our reading sessions and use the book to work on our Vocabulary, Inference, Prediction, Explanation, Retrieval and Summarising skills.  


In Maths...

We will be starting the year by revisiting our understanding of place value - looking at numbers to ten million! We will then learn to order and compare these numbers.  Later in the term we will look at reasoning and problem solving using all four operations. 


In Science...

To start our year, we shall begin by learning all about light.  Our science lessons will explore refraction of light and how shadows work. We will also look at the life of David Brewster who was influential in the science of physics with his work on the polarisation of light.


In RE...

So what do Christians believe about the beginning? Is it possible to be a Christian and a scientist?  These are examples of the debates we shall encourage whilst we explore the Creation Story this term. 


In PE...

We will be kick starting the year with Invasion Games and in these lessons we will develop our hockey skills of dribbling, shooting, tackling and showing consistent control in all these areas. We will learn the rules of how to play quicksticks hockey games and apply the basic principles of team play to game situations. PE will be on Wednesdays and Thursdays so please wear your full school PE kit to school on both of these days. 


In DT....

We will also be using our topic of Ancient Greece to explore Food and Nutrition. We will learn about the principles of a healthy and varied diet before preparing and cooking a variety of dishes using a range of cooking techniques. We will explore seasonality and understand the importance of different ingredients. We will create our own design criteria, follow a recipe and finally present our food product at a food festival towards the end of term. 


Wow!! We have a lot planned. Lets get started. Roll on Wednesday 1st September!   

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