Term 4
Hello Owls!
Can you believe that Term 4 is upon us already!
This term's topic theme is Toys. In English, we will be using Lost in the Toy Museum as the stimulus for our learning. We will be building up to writing a recount of Bunting's adventures in the museum. Through this unit we will be focusing on writing in sentences and ensuring that we reread our sentences to check they make sense. We will also be thinking about the correct time to use capital letters in our writing. We will finish the term by writing our own missing toy story.
In Maths our focus moves onto numbers up to 50. We will build on the place value learning we did last term when we focused on the numbers up to 20. We will also continuing to develop strategies to add and subtract numbers.
In History this term we will be answering the question: How have toys changed since our grandparents were young? This enquiry will enable the Owls to start to think like historians by comparing toys from the past and present. We will start to think about how we know when something is old and when something is new. Hopefully the Owls will enjoy talking to their grown ups about the toys they used to enjoy playing with.
In Science we will be looking at everyday materials which will involve sorting objects based on the materials they are made from and testing the properties of different materials. As the seasons change again and spring approaches we will also think about how we know it is spring as part of our ongoing seasonal changes work.
As this is the term leading up to Easter, in our R.E. lessons we will be thinking about the question Why is Easter important to Christians? We will think about the period of lent and look at the different parts of the Easter story.
It promises to be another jam packed term in the Owls and I cannot wait to get started!