Term 5
Hello Kestrels,
Welcome to Term 5! I can't believe that we are two thirds of the way through the school year! This term is going to be another jam packed term full of fantastic learning!
In English we will be writing a return narrative and looking at letter writing. We will use both units as an opportunity to embed all of our grammar learning from this year.
In Maths the main focus for this term will be on fractions. We will consolidate our prior learning before introducing the fraction tenths. We will also be comparing, ordering, adding and subtracting fractions.
In Science, we will be looking at the parts of flowering plants and finding out about their role in helping the plant to survive. We will also look at how water is transported around a plant and the role that seeds play in continuing a plant's life cycle. In R.E., we will be continuing our learning about Hinduism before moving on to look at different festivals that are celebrated in each religion and why they are important. This term we will also be doing Music and D&T too. In Music, we are looking at creating our own ostinato patterns and in D&T, we are creating packaging for a product.
Our P.E. days have changed this term and P.E. will now be on a Monday and a Wednesday. Our focus for these lessons will be on striking and fielding games.
I look forward to seeing you all again on Monday 15th April!