Term 5
Hello Owls and welcome to Term 5!
It will be another fun filled, busy term in the Owls. Here is an outline of our learning for this term.
In English we will be looking at writing instructions in the first half of the term and in the second part we will have a focus on Traditional Tales. Both will be linked to our learning in Science this term which is on plants. As part of this learning we will be turning into gardeners and using our outside area to grow and look at a variety of different plants. We will look at the parts of different plants and the best conditions for growing them. We will also be learning to identify common garden and wild plants and trees.
In Maths this term we will be focusing on measures which includes length and height and weight and volume. We will finish the term by starting to think about multiplication and division and what these two concepts mean.
In R.E. we will be returning to our unit Who is Muslim and how to they live? We will continue to learn about Muslims beliefs about God and important people within the religion of Islam.
Our learning in Art this term will focus on printing and we will be using our learning about plants as inspiration for this.
I don't know about you but I can't wait to get started!