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Ketton C of E Primary School

Term 4

Term 4

Our theme for this term is

Perilous Journeys!

What an exciting term we have ahead of us as we continue our learning journey!

Read on to find out more about what we will doing in the Kingfisher class this term!


This term, our History unit will be informed by the knowledge of the polar regions we gained last term! We will be thinking about how to answer the question ‘Who had the most challenging journey?’ We will be learning about two significant individuals who undertook polar expeditions. One of these is from the past and the other from the present. We will be using and evaluating a variety of sources of evidence to build our knowledge and compare the two. Once our research is complete, the Kingfishers will use the evidence they have found to form their own opinion as to who they think had the most challenging journey!


In English, our first unit will be inspired by the book The Night Gardener by Terry and Eric Fan. Once we have read, enjoyed and discussed the story we will investigate the features of diary writing before going on to write a diary entry in role as one of the characters from the story. Throughout this unit we will be building on our knowledge of sentence punctuation, how to write powerful descriptive phrases and the spelling conventions we have learnt over the year. For our second unit we will return to narrative writing. We will use the book Grandad’s Island by Benji Davies as our starting point for writing our own super story!


In maths we will continue to learn about multiplication and division. We will learn how to solve problems involving multiplication and division as well as how to write statements involving these operations. Later in the term, we will go on to learn about measures. We will begin by looking at length and height and then go on to look at mass, capacity and temperature.


In science we will be doing lots of planting as our enquiry question for the term is, Do all seeds, bulbs and plants need the same conditions to thrive?’ As scientists, we will make predictions before setting up comparative tests to identify the conditions necessary for seeds and bulbs to germinate. Once our seeds and bulbs have germinated, we will continue to observe and measure their growth in order to see if the conditions necessary for germination are the same as the conditions necessary for healthy growth. Once we have completed our investigation, we will produce an informative poster offering advice to budding gardeners on how to successfully grow seeds and bulbs and keep plants healthy!


In RE, we will be answering the question, ‘Why does Easter matter to Christians?’ We will learn about the events of Holy Week, why these are important to Christians and how they might influence the way in which they lead their life. Later in the term we will visit the church to look for signs of Easter and the Easter story.


This term the Kingfishers also have music. They will be learning about pitch and pattern and develop their understanding of how pitches can be combined to create music. They will also learn how different cultures use pitch in different ways.


PE lessons remain on a Monday and Thursday. Please come to school wearing your PE kit on these days. This term the Kingfishers will be learning to apply the skills of running, changing direction, throwing and catching to a team game. They will start to play larger group games, develop team work skills and then how to play tag rugby!


What a busy term we have ahead of us! 


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