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Ketton C of E Primary School

Term 2

Welcome to Term 2!

This term is always one of my favourites as it involves the countdown to Christmas! Before we get there though we have lots of learning to do.


This term, in English, we are looking at writing story settings and poems. The picture book "The Rhythm of the Rain" by Grahame Baker-Smith will be our stimulus for both pieces of writing.

In Maths we continue to look at the addition of 2 and 3-digit numbers before starting our multiplication and division unit where we will start to learn our 3 and 4 times tables.


In Geography we continue with the unit we started last term comparing France and the UK and this term the focus is on the mountain region of the Alps and the Lake District. In Science we will be completing a unit of learning to answer the question "How does light help us to see?".


In D&T we will be sewing and using our skills to stitch Christmas stockings.


In addition to this we will be doing the usual Christmas stuff such as making cards and calendars and preparing a song for the Key Stage 2 Christmas sing-a-long. More details about this will be sent out later in the term.


This term our P.E. days have changed. We will have P.E. on Tuesdays and Fridays this term.


This term promises to be a fun filled one! Who's excited to get started!

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