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Ketton C of E Primary School

Term 1

Welcome to the Kingfishers Year 2 Term 1. 

The summer has whizzed past and we have had a great start to our new academic year. I am very much looking forward to working with the children this year as we have some exciting and interesting learning planned. 


It's going to be an exciting time.  If you have any questions please just ask or message us on Class Dojo.


PE will be on a Wednesday and Thursday afternoons, and we will be looking at invasion games and gymnastics, please come into school in your PE Kit.




Spelling homework will be sent out every Friday and we would like it returned on a Thursday, ready for our spelling quiz Fridays'. 


Spelling will initially link to the year 2 common exception words and we will then look at different sounds later on in the term.


Maths Homework will be sent out at the end of week 1

(in the back of the spelling book)




In maths this term we are looking at numbers to 20, counting in 10's and 1's and so this will be reflected within the homework.



In Science… 

We will be exploring animals including humans where we will be looking at what we need to survive and what we would like to help make us happy. As part of this topic we will be inviting parents/carers in to join us for a treat prepared by the children - WATCH THIS SPACE

In English… 

Within English this term we are looking at the book The River by Marc Martin, as fantastic story of a journey along a river and what they encounter along the way. We will be creating our own story based upon this text as well as writing a letter later in the term.

In Reading… 

We will be reading a text called Who Let The Gods Out by Maz Evans. A f

In Geography… 

We will be working towards answering a big question “Where in the world is the United Kingdom?" Looking at the world and how it is sectioned, as well as exploring the continents and seas.

In Maths… 

We will be starting the year by revisiting our understanding of place value - and numbers to twenty, and then moving on to recognising 10's and 1', partitioning numbers up to 100 as well as counting in 10's.

In RE… 

We are thinking about Christianity and developing our thoughts and ideas to our Big Question - "What is the good news that Jesus brings?"

In PE… 

Our PE this term will be looking at invasion games (outside) and gymnastics (inside). 


In PSHE... 

We will be lining our learning to our science topic and looking at what helps to grow and how to stay healthy. We will be discussing the healthy plate and also looking at how exercise can help us to stay healthy.

Our British Value focus for Term 1 will be Democracy.  

I am very excited about teaching all of these amazing topics and have lots of exciting lessons planned to help the children enjoy their learning.




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