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Ketton C of E Primary School


At Ketton School we believe Reading is key to a child's academic success and well-being. Therefore, even if your child is a free reader, we urge you to read with, or to, your child for at least ten minutes each day.   

Spellings – spellings are handed out once a fortnight, on a Monday.  These are taught and then practiced in school most days. Spellings will be tested every Friday. Look, say, cover, write, check is a great technique for students to use when practicing at home. Your child will also have an online grammar task to complete once a fortnight.

Maths – Having speedy and accurate recall of the Times Tables will support classroom learning. Therefore, we ask your child to practise their times tables daily by using the Times Tables Rock Stars website. In the summer term, in Year 4, your child will be doing a Statutory Multiplication Check - daily practice will help prepare them for this. In addition to this, your child will be given an online maths homework task which will be set for them once a fortnight.  


All homework is subject to events happening in the school and so on occasions issue dates and handing in days may alter.

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