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Ketton C of E Primary School

Term 6

Hello Owls!


Welcome to Term 6! I can't believe that our final term of the year is here. It is going to be another busy one.


This term will have a primarily Geography focus. We will be answering the question What makes the United Kingdom a special place? Through our learning in this unit we will be looking at the four countries of the United Kingdom and their capital cities and we will also be learning about the names of the seas that surround our country. We will also be continuing our learning about plants and be planting some salad vegetables which we will hopefully use in our D&T unit. This term will also see us finishing off our learning about the four seasons with a focus on summer. We are also very lucky this term, that the Rutland Music hub will be coming in and delivering music sessions for us. 


Our English this term will be based on the book The Last Wolf by Mini Grey and our writing outcomes will be a hunting story and a recipe. In Maths we will be finishing off our number work by looking at the place value of the numbers between 50 and 100 and deriving some addition pairs for 100. 


P.E. this term will continue to be on a Monday and a Thursday and we also have the Key Stage 1 athletics event at Corby and Sports Day coming up. More details about these will be sent out on Class Dojo. 


Miss Hathaway and I look forward to seeing you back on Wednesday 7th June!

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