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Ketton C of E Primary School

Term 3

Happy New Year! I hope you are refreshed and ready for another busy term!


In term 3 we will be continuing our Science learning all about the seasons by focusing on Winter. We will continue to look at the weather and make comparisons with the weather in Autumn and we will also be looking for other clues that we have entered a new season. In Geography we will be answering the question "What is it like to live in our village?" We will use maps and photographs to find out about our village locality. In D&T we will build on our geography learning to design a new piece of playground equipment to go in the village park. We will build our final design using construction materials.


In R.E. this term we will be completing the first half of a unit about Islam and we will be answering the big question "Who is Muslim and how do they live?" In Computing we are completing a digital writing unit. 


Our learning in Maths will start with a focus on the numbers up to 20 and look at the place value of these numbers followed by addition and subtraction within 20. In English, we will be using the book The Naughty Bus to write our own sequel to the story. 


Our P.E. days this term have changed to Thursday and Friday. We have a dance teacher coming to work with us during our Friday P.E. lesson. 


Wow! What a lot to get through! I can't wait to get started!

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