Term 4
Our Learning for Term 4
Some key dates for this term include:
Parents evenings- 27th-28th February
World Book Day-2nd March
Easter Church Service- 31st March
May the force be with us!- What are forces?
This is what we will aim to discover. We will become scientists who investigate, predict and explore forces. We will compare how things move on different surfaces, and learn that magnetic forces can act at a distance and how they attract and repel each other and have two poles. Before exploring magnets further and learning what materials are magnetic and which are not.
We will also look at Hans Oersted as an important scientist- what did she discover and how is it useful in the science world today?
Class Production
This term in Enrichment we will be looking at different dramatic techniques in preparation for our class production at the end of the term. We are already so excited to perform for all of our parents! We will be performing Hansel and Gretel.
In English, we will be learning to write a lost narrative and newspaper report. Our stimulus will be Into the Forest by Anthony Browne. We shall be recapping our previous grammar learning from Year 2 as well as introducing some Year 3 grammatical features including inverted commas for direct speech.
We will read a book as a class and answer comprehension questions to develop our understanding. The book we are focusing on is called:
Harriet Versus The Galaxy by Samantha Baines
The book is about a little girl called Harriet that discovers that her hearing aid can do more than she ever bargained for when she finds an alien in her room.
RE - Easter: Why do Christians call the day Jesus died Good Friday?
In RE we will be learning more about Christianity. As part of our work, we will be holding debates, creating artwork in response to certain aspects, writing our opinions, and learning more about why Jesus died on the cross. We will discuss how this learning links to our Christian Values as a school. Before exploring why Good Friday is called Good Friday.
Our maths this term will finish looking at measurement before looking at fractions. The children will learn how to calculate the perimeter and how to solve problems about length. Then we will progress to look at fractions as numbers, tenths, and equivalent fractions.
In P.E this term we will be looking at orienteering and gymnastics. On Wednesdays, Mr Andre will be teaching us different orienteering skills. Whilst, Miss Healey will teach us different Gynmastic skills on Tuesdays.
In ICT we will be creating media and producing stop-frame animations.
Ours Brun
What makes a community?
Music- Singing focus
What a busy term I cannot wait to get started!