Term 5

Welcome to Term 5!
Please see below what we will be getting up to this term - we have some very exciting things planned! We will also be sitting our SATS this term, these commence on the 9th May. We also have Young Voices, The Rutland Dance Show and Bikeability to look forward to!
In History...
Our big enquiry question will be 'How has crime and punishment developed across the ages?'. We will explore the broad trends of crime and punishment from the Romans all the way to the 21st century. We will explore the Roman era, the Anglo-Saxon and Viking period, the Medieval and Tudor times, the Victorian period and explore modern day Britain. This will be a very exciting topic, using all previous learning from primary school history lessons, the Eagles will engage in debates, art activities and answer key historical questions.
In RE...
We will be looking at 'Good and Bad Times'. We will be exploring ways in which different religions respond to good and hard times in life. We will identify beliefs about life and death - thinking about incarnation and heaven. We will explore how different religions use symbolism and spirits to find comfort and support.
In PE...
We are very lucky this term to be continuing our Dance sessions with Welland Dance Academy on a Friday morning - we will be performing at the Dance Show on Wednesday 25th May at 6pm at Catmose College Theatre. Keep your eyes peeled for further information on this.
As well as this, on a Tuesday afternoon, the Eagles will be having their other PE session this term and we will be doing Athletics - we have our annual Corby Athletics event in Term 6 so we will be getting prepared for this.
In Computing...
We will be using computers to create and manipulate three dimensional digital objects. We will work digitally with 2D and 3D graphics to construct a digital 3D model of a physical object.
In D&T....
We will be working towards making our own construction of a pulley system that could provide a punishment for criminal behaviour - we will be using our learning in history to help us with this. We will make step by step guides on how to use the model and make our own prototype before assembling our final piece.
We have lots to look forward to Eagles! See you on the 19th April.
Crime and punishment videos.

