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Ketton C of E Primary School

Term 6

Welcome back to your last term as a year 3!


This term is about Plants in science, sewing in DT, and our school in French.


We will read The Boy at the back of the class in our reading sessions, which will also inform our writing in English.

We will be writing a letter and a secret diary.


Maths this term looks at Mass and capacity before we revise the four operations, time and fractions.


We have thoroughly enjoyed our recorder sessions this term and are lucky enough to have a special visitor who will teach us the recorder for this term too. 


We will be thinking about the meaning of festivals around the world during our R.E. sessions. 


In French we will be learning about our school.


In Science, the Kestrels will be learning about plants. This will include looking at the functions of different parts of the flowering plant, transportation and the life cycle of a plant.



Our new PE days will be confirmed.  We have striking and fielding games this term.


As always, drop us a line on dojo if you have any questions.

Thanks, Miss Healey and Mrs. Cherry.


Homework tasks will continue to be given out every Monday. is our maths task every 2 weeks. 

Spelling is on a 3-week cycle - weeks 1, 2, and 3 learning the spellings and weeks 4, 5, and 6 revising the rules and putting them into sentences.  Our continues on a 2-week cycle. 


5th/6th June - Teacher training days

7th June- Term starts

13th June- French day

14th June- KS2 Athletics

20th June- KS2 Tower of London trip

21st June- sports day

TBC - PTA summer fete

7th July- Y3/4 poetry recital

13th July- moving up afternoon tbc

21st July- term ends

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