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Ketton C of E Primary School

Term 6

Wow - I can hardly believe we have reached the final term of this year already! We have had so much fun already and the Flamingos have made a great start on their Ketton School journey!

This is set to be another busy but exciting term with lots to look forward to including Sports Day, a whole school French day, a whole school RE day, our Flamingos trip to Belton House and of course lots of activities to help us with the transition into Year 1. 

Our topic this term is called 'I wonder where we have been on holiday?' where we will share photos and experiences of holidays that we may have been on. We are also hoping to have lots of postcards sent to us by families and friends and we will find these different places on a world map whilst thinking about how we could actually get to the different places! We will also start to make comparisons between Ketton and these different locations. 

Hopefully the weather will start to improve and summer will finally arrive so we can start thinking about the weather in summer and how we can keep ourselves healthy and safe. We will look at the artwork of Andy Goldsworth and try our own art with natural objects as well as creating underwater collages and looking at the patterns on sea shells.

In our RE sessions we will be looking at different Bible stories too.


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