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Ketton C of E Primary School

Term 3



Happy New Year Flamingo families!


This term we will be learning about people who help us. We will have some visitors come in and tell us all about their jobs and how they help us. We may also take a trip out to see jobs in action! We will be imagining that we are doing those jobs through role play and other exciting activities. 


Fred will continue to teach is how to read. We will recap our set 1 sounds and set 1 special friends we've already learnt, we will carry on learning how to blend the sounds together to read words and learn the set 2 sounds! How exciting!



In our Maths sessions we will carry on subitising numbers to 5. We will also decompose numbers to 5 using a part - part whole model like this... 


This term Mr Aust will take the children for P.E lessons every week. We will continue to build our independence by getting changed and keeping all of our belongings together. 

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