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Ketton C of E Primary School

Term 1

Welcome to Term 1 in the Kestrels!


We have a very busy first term coming up.


In English we will be starting the year writing diaries and character sketches based on the story Stone Age Boy by Satoshi Kitamura. In our sessions we will be revising our grammar learning from Year 2 whilst also starting to think about the year 3 grammar curriculum.


In Maths we are starting off with a place value unit where we are looking at the numbers between 100 and 1000. We will then look at addition and subtraction and start to add and subtract numbers using the column method. 


In History our key question is "How did Britain change during Prehistory?". During this unit we will be starting our journey through the history of Britain by looking at life in the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. We will look at what evidence has been left for archaeologists to use when finding out about life so long ago in past!


This term we will also be starting the Year 3 Science curriculum with a focus on rocks, soils and fossils and in R.E. we will be starting a unit focused on the religion of Hinduism. Our key question for this unit is "What does it mean to be a Hindu in Britain today?"


In Term 1, P.E. will be on a Monday and Tuesday afternoon so please remember to come to school in your P.E. kits on these days.


It should be a fun filled term and I can't wait to get started! See you all on Thursday 29th August! laugh

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