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Ketton C of E Primary School

Term 1

Welcome to Term 1 in the Kestrels!


We have a very busy first term coming up.


In English we will be starting the year writing fables and information reports based on the story Fox by Margaret Wild and Ron Wood. We will retell the fable before writing our own version of a fable then writing an information report all about foxes. In our sessions we will be revising our grammar learning from Year 2 whilst also starting to think about the year 3 grammar curriculum.


In Maths we are starting off with a place value unit where we are looking at the numbers between 100 and 1000. We will then look at addition and subtraction and start to add and subtract numbers using the column method. 


In Geography our key question is "What is the same and what is different between the UK and France?" This is a topic which will run across two terms and we will be completing part 1 this term.


In Art we will be looking at the colour spectrum by looking closely at the artist Carolee Clark and in R.E. we will be thinking about the importance of Pentecost for Christians.


It should be a fun filled term! I can't wait to get started!

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