Term 2
Turn up the Heat!
In Geography, we will be answering the question 'Would you choose to live on the ring of fire?' During this unit, we will be learning what the ring of fire is, learning about locations that sit on the ring of fire and how volcanoes work.
In Science, we will build on our previous unit by extending our knowledge in context. We will learn all about gravity, air resistance, friction and mechanisms. We will also look at Isaac Newton and the impact he had on this area of science.
In English, we will use our Geography topic as the stimulus for our writing. We will begin by creating narrative poems inspired by volcanoes. Later in the term, we will write an explanation text about volcanoes. In our BEAR sessions, we will continue to read cosmic alongside our whole class read The Firework Maker's Daughter and non-fiction texts linked to our Geography topic.
In Maths, we will continue developing our understanding of addition and subtraction, this time using numbers with more than four digits. Then we will look at graphs and tables before moving on to multiplication and division.
In RE, we will be exploring incarnation and the true meaning of Christmas.
In PE, we will continue to focus on invasions games - netball. We will also have a weekly gymnastics lesson focused on pair composition. PE days will be Tuesday and Thursday this term.