Term 6
Term 6
This term our theme is
Our Wonderful World!
What an exciting term we have ahead of us Kingfishers!
An athletics festival, sports day, some special visitors and lots more to look forward to!
In science, we will start the term thinking about the question What makes somewhere a good place to live? We will investigate a variety of world and local habitats to find out where different plants and animals live. We will learn how different habitats are suited to different living things and how these living things depend on each other. Using the idea of a food chain we will describe how animals obtain their food from plants and other animals. Leading on from this, we will investigate how the offspring of animals, including humans, change as they grow older. We will learn about the lifecycles of a variety of animals and observe that of a butterfly.
In DT, we will be using the story After the Storm by Nick Butterworth as our inspiration. We will be learning how to build a vehicle with moving wheels in order to build Percy the park keeper a new trailer to replace his broken wheelbarrow! We will start our journey by investigating the wheeled products and toys that can be found in school. We will study them carefully and draw detailed diagrams showing the different parts. We will then learn how to make fixed and free axles before designing and making our own vehicle for Percy!
Our learning in English this term will be based around the book The King Who Banned the Dark by Emily Haworth-Booth. We will use this as our stimulus for writing a persuasive letter and our own narrative in a similar style.
In Maths, we will continue to learn how to read and record the time to the nearest 15 minutes before moving on to problem solving using efficient methods and learning how to describe position and movement.
In IT, our learning will link closely with maths. We will learn how to use technology to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve information. We will learn how to enter data, present it in different ways and answer questions about what it shows. We will also learn about the importance of using technology safely and keeping personal data private.
In RE, we are continuing to think about our enquiry question How should we care for the world and why does it matter? We will further explore how the concept of caring springs from people’s beliefs and how this can turn into actions for many religious and non-religious people. We will learn about the lives of Mother Teresa and Dr Barnardo as well as stories Christian and Jewish people tell about the beginning of the world and how to treat the world.
This term PE is on a Monday and Thursday afternoon. On a Monday afternoon, the Kingfishers will be taking part in gymnastics, developing their movement skills and engaging in co-operative physical activities. On a Thursday afternoon, they will be developing their teamwork skills when applying their running, throwing and catching skills to a new sport (kickball) with Mr Andre.
What a busy but exciting final term we have ahead of us Kingfishers!