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Ketton C of E Primary School

Kingfishers - Year 2

Welcome to the Kingfishers!


Miss Healey is our class teacher and Mrs Roberts is our teaching assistant. 

What an exciting, fun packed year we have ahead of us as we continue on our exciting learning journey! 


Learning Behaviours

The Kingfishers are Ready, Respectful and safe learners.

Throughout the year, we will be thinking about these different learning behaviours and our school Christian values.


Class Dojo

Keep up to date with what is going on in the classroom by following our learning journey on Class Dojo. Please don't hesitate to send us a message through either the school office or Class Dojo if you have any questions. Please also check parent mail for information.



Expectations in Year 2


As the children move up into Upper Key Stage 1 the expectation is that they show increasing levels of responsibility and independence.  We will be encouraging all children to come into school independently and remember their homework tasks, PE kits and any other equipment they may need rather than relying too much on parents. 


The children will be taught about being role models to the younger children.  They will be expected to behave appropriately and show the younger members of our team how to move about the school, how to behave at lunchtime and during whole school activities. 





Reading books Please read with your Kingfisher every day; regular practice is the key to developing a life-long love of literature and becoming a proficient reader! In the early stages of reading development, it is important that children read their reading books several times. The


first read is an opportunity for them to practice their skills of decoding. The second read enables them to develop greater fluency and an expressive reading style. The third read, enables them to develop a deeper understanding of the text as their focus is now on comprehension rather than word reading. Books are changed weekly however this may vary according to your Kingfisher’s stage of development. Please ensure that books are returned to school every day.


Spellings – In the first term our weekly spelling list will be handed

out on a Monday and focus on common exception words (words that do not follow a phonic pattern that your Kingfisher has learnt yet). These are taught and then practiced in school most days. Spellings will be tested every Friday. From the second term, spelling lists will focus on spelling patterns and rules.




Termly Maths homework – Each term, the children will bring home a Key Instant Recall Fact Sheet (KIRFS). These facts consolidate previous learning in school. Please help your Kingfisher to learn these facts as an ability to recall them rapidly will enable them to focus their attention on methods and strategies taught when solving problems.  


PE times will vary each term so please check the class website page or Class Dojo for the most up to date information.  


Water Bottles and Snacks



We want all children to be alert and ready to learn. As the children know, a brain needs to be well-watered.  We encourage the children to bring in their own water bottles.  These are kept in the classroom and the children can access them. A fruit snack is provided for each child during our morning break.


What are we up to this year in Kingfishers?

All of our plans are subject to change but we shall attempt to do a wide variety of activities, trips and fun learning experiences throughout the year.


Our website page will be updated with the most important and recent information including examples of what we are studying each term, important dates, PE times, trips and some photos of our learning journey.


Our Friday Enrichment Plans (Subject to Change)


T1 – Forest school

T2 – Drama/ musical theatre

T3 – Sculpture

T4 – Easter craft

T5 – Take one picture art project

T6 – Take one picture art project


Contact Details and Useful Links
