Term 1
Welcome to Term 1!
This term our theme is Through the ages!
What a busy fun-packed term we have ahead of us.
In English, we will start the term by reading Stone Age Boy by Satoshi Kitamura. We will then look at exploring the features of adventure stories and setting descriptions, before writing our own versions based upon our class book. Our class targets this term will be to use adverbs correctly and to begin grouping material using paragraphs. In our BEAR sessions, we will be reading The Boy with the Bronze Axe by Kathleen Fidler.
In Maths, we will be learning about place value within 1,000. We will be using manipulatives in the form of part-whole models, number lines, and base 10 to support our learning. Later in the term, we will be furthering our understanding of addition and subtraction.
In History, we will be learning about changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. We will become archeologists and consider what evidence tells us about life in the prehistoric periods. We will return to this learning later in the term to answer our inquiry question: when do you think it was better to live- Stone Age, Bronze Age, or Iron Age?
In Science, we will be learning about rocks, soils, and fossils. We will be looking at the properties and formation of rocks and soils. We will be thinking about how fossils are formed and explore the life of paleontologist Mary Anning. We will then be investigating the properties of soil through a variety of experiments.
In RE, our inquiry question is: when Jesus left, what next? We will be learning about Pentecost and Christian beliefs about the 'Kingdom of God' on earth.
In PSHE, we will be exploring how we can be good friends. We will think about how we can build good and positive friendships. Before moving on thinking about how to seek support if feeling lonely or excluded.
In Art, we will be creating our own cave paintings individually and as a class. We will be making our own paint out of organic materials! Later in the term, we will go on producing our own artwork with our homemade paints.
In PE, we will be focusing upon ball handling focusing particularly on throwing and catching. We will also be learning a range of dance routines with Miss Emily our dance teacher from Welland Academy.
We have had a fantastic start to our Stone Age to Iron Age day and the children all look amazing! Wow, have you all been busy making costumes over the weekend. This morning we have been ‘time traveling’ to explore the Stone Age. We have also been exploring the animals that lived in the Stone Age. You can see the children with a range of animal fossils and 3D models from a variety of animals.
During the afternoon, the children had the opportunity to handle artifacts from the Stone, Iron, and Bronze Age. All of the children thrived at the opportunity to handle the objects and asked excellent enquiry questions. They also completed a Stone Age quiz and a fishing competition against Osprey class.
Kind regards,
Miss Healey