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Ketton C of E Primary School

Term 3

Welcome to Term 3! It is going to be a busy one! We are very excited to welcome Mrs Mason to the Owls. Mrs Mason is a student teacher and she will be working with us this term as she completes her Key Stage 1 placement. 


In our Maths learning this term we will be thinking about the numbers up to 20. We will start by looking at the value of the digits in 2 digit numbers and partitioning them into tens and ones before adding and subtracting using these numbers.


Our English learning starts with a focus on The Naughty Bus. We will be using this book to write our own story about the adventures the Naughty Bus has at school and out and about in the village. In the second part of the term we will be using Steve Backshall as our inspiration for writing "The Owls' Not So Deadly 60". We will look at the features of fact file writing before writing our own animal fact files. In all of our writing this term we will be focusing on remembering to use finger spaces to space out our words and to use capital letters and full stops in the correct places. 


Science this term will focus on animals and we will be learning about the different groups animals can be sorted into and how to identify which animals belong in each group. We will also look at the diets of animals and identify which animals are carnivores, omnivores and herbivores. We will also continue our learning on the four seasons by investigating how we know we have moved from Autumn to Winter. 


This term will also see us continue our learning about the local area in Geography.


In R.E. our big question for this term is "Who is Muslim and how do they live?". The unit is split into two halves and we will revisit the question again in Term 5. The first half of the unit focuses on what Muslims believe about God. 


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