Term 1
Term 1
Our learning this term has a Science focus. We will start the term off by thinking about the weather and the season of Autumn and we will answer the question "What changes can we see as Autumn approaches?". We will then revisit our seasons learning across the year as we move through the different seasons. Our second Science question will be "What makes me marvellous?". Answering this question will involve learning the names of the parts of our body and the names of our different senses. In addition to our learning in Science we will also be looking at Art and I.T. Our learning in Art will be focused on colour and we will be looking at the work of Mondrian and Kandinski. We will also be drawing self portraits. In I.T. we will start to learn about algorithms by writing a program to help us to get ready for school!
In English we will start by looking at writing lists, labels and captions. We will be focusing on writing simple sentences with capital letters at the start and full stops at the end.
In Maths we will start off with a number block that revisits and recaps our learning in the Flamingos. It will focus on the numbers up to 10. Within this unit, we will be sorting objects, counting objects, writing numbers, counting forwards and backwards, comparing amounts and ordering numbers. We will also look at representing numbers in lots of different ways, using lots of different apparatus.