Term 5
Welcome to term 5. This term our topic is 'I wonder what is at the bottom of the garden'. We will be using our school grounds to discover what is already growing there and we will be planting lots of our own seeds whilst thinking about what a seed needs to grow. We will also look for lots of different minibeasts.
In Phonics we will be continuing to consolidate our phase 3 sounds and tricky words as well as learning some new phase 5 sounds. Please continue to practice the sounds in the yellow books at home as well as reading the reading books. It really makes a huge difference. This term we will be exposing the children to lots of writing opportunities where the children can use all that phonic knowledge in their independent writing.
In Maths we will be focusing on addition and subtraction, counting to and from 20 and comparing numbers up to 20.
We also have 2 exciting days ahead - an Early Years multi sports morning at Ketton Sports club with 5 other schools from the trust and then a trip to Uppingham Theatre with the Owls.
Don't forget to look on Class Dojo for a snapshot of all the fun learning adventures we have!
Thank you for your continued support. If you have any questions please ask
Mrs Howard