Term 2
What shall we hang on the Christmas tree? Eagles Poetry Recital Dec 2021

Welcome back! We hope you had a lovely, restful half term and are looking forward to another busy, fun term leading up to Christmas. Yay!
We will be focusing on Electricity in Science this term. We will explore electrical components and the physics behind how it functions. They will extend their understanding of ways in which the brightness of bulbs or speed of motors in a circuit can be changed. This unit will provide opportunities for the Eagles to carry out a range of investigations before creating their own prototype applying all the knowledge they have learnt.
In Art, we will be exploring Sculpture and Mixed Media which we will be linking to our Science topic. Towards the end of the term, the Eagles will use their Science and Art learning to create a light-up Christmas decoration using a range of materials such as wood, metal and more. We can't wait to show you what we create!
The Eagles will write a flashback narrative this term inspired by our class read and will continue to embed newly taught Year 6 grammar targets into their writing. Towards the end of term, when Christmas-time starts to arrive, we will begin to look at A Christmas Carol and write another piece inspired by this classic story.
We will continue our Maths learning when we return by moving on to Fractions - comparing and ordering, adding, subtracting and multiplying and dividing! We will then look closely at Geometry - plotting coordinates, translations and reflections.
Christmas is coming so in RE we will be exploring Incarnation and the true meaning of Christmas. We will be exploring this through the perspective of King Herod.
In French this term we will be recapping all our previous learning from Y5 and start looking at Shopping & Food! Mrs Burgess' two favourite things!!
We will continue to develop our work on Invasion Games but this term we will look at a new sport - Tag Rugby. As well as this, we will also have a weekly Gymnastics lesson exploring Body Symmetry using floor and wall apparatus.
Some important dates for your diary:
9th/10th November - Parents Evening
10th November - School Photos
11th November - Residential Information Evening
19th November - Children In Need
10th December - Poetry Recital Assembly