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Ketton C of E Primary School


Welcome to Kestrels class!


We are so excited to welcome you back! We have such a fun-packed year ahead of us and we can't wait to support you in becoming respectful and ready citizens. This year, year 3 will be taught by Miss Healey. We will also have Mrs. Fraser supporting us in our classroom this year and Mrs Glassford on Tuesday afternoons. We are looking forward to working with the children on their journey through Year 3.



Learning Behaviours 


In the Kestrels, we are Ready to learn, Respectful, Resilient, Resourceful, Responsible, and Reflective learners. We shall be thinking about learning behaviors and our school's Christian values throughout the year. We will also strive to keep each other safe at school, home, and online.


This year you can stay updated on our learning journey by following us on Class Dojo where we will be posting regularly to our page. If you have any queries or questions, please do contact the office or send Miss Healey a message on Class Dojo.

Kestrels Long Term Plan for 2020/2021 (which is subject to change)

Long term plan

Multiply by 3 | Learn Multiplication | Multiply By Music | Jack Hartmann

Multiply by 3's and learn the 3 times table with an electric guitar beat.

Multiply by 4 | Learn Multiplication | Multiply By Music | Jack Hartmann

Multiply by 4 and learn the 4 times table with a tropical beat.

Multiply by 8 | Learn Multiplication | Multiply By Music | Jack Hartmann

This multiplication song for 8 gives the multiplication facts for the 8 times table.

Contact Details and Useful Links
