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Ketton C of E Primary School

Term 2

Term 2! 

Our theme for this term is 

Mysterious Materials! 

What a busy and exciting term we have ahead of us!  

Here is a taste of what we will be doing! 


Our work in Science, will be inspired by the book, 'The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig' and we will be answering the question, 'Why do materials matter?' We will build on what we learned about materials in Year 1 by investigating the properties of different materials and testing their suitability for different purposes. We will go on to investigate how the shape of some materials can be changed. 


In English, we will start the term by reading The Night Gardener by Terry Fan. We will learn how to write powerful descriptions before going on to write our own setting narrative. As we move toward Christmas, our focus will be on how to write a diary.  


In maths, we will continue our unit on addition and subtraction within 100 and then move on to learn about the properties of shapes. We will learn to recognize and describe 2D and 3D shapes using mathematical vocabulary and learn about symmetry.  


In art, we will be thinking about how we can represent the world around us! We will start by looking at and discussing the work of Guiseppe Arcimboldo and how he represented what he could see. We will then learn how to use a pencil to create different lines, patterns, and tones in order to create our own still-life drawings. 


In RE, we will be answering the question, 'Why does Christmas matter to Christians?' This unit will focus on the Christmas story as told in Matthew's Gospel and how the story of the nativity is used in churches. 


This term, our PE lessons will take place on a Thursday and TBC.  



Important dates for your diary! 

4th November – Maths day 

7th and 8th November - Parents Evening 

17th November – Children in Need 

20th November- School photos individual

23rd November – RLT Multi Sports event 

TBC – KS1 Christmas Production 

7th December- Christmas jumper day

13th December – KS1 Pantomime Trip 

14th December – Christmas Dinner 

20th December- End of term church service


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