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Ketton C of E Primary School

Term 2

Term 1 ended with an amazing Harvest performance in Church, Well done to all the children, they were fantastic. Term 2 means warm fires, dark evenings, Christmas lights and lots of music. 


This term our PE will remain on a Wednesday and Thursday, we are looking at Invasion games and Gymnastics again.


Homework – Spelling and reading homework will still be going out on a Friday (with our spelling quiz still on a Friday too). Please check the back of the homework book for information on how you can support our maths learning for term 2


What are we learning this term? 


Our science topic is Materials and we will answering the big question – How can different materials affect the way objects perform? We shall be doing lots of experiments to investigate the suitability of different materials and how they can change. 



We will be looking at drawing techniques this term and focusing in one the work of Guiseppe Arcimbolodo. I am looking forward to seeing everyone’s final piece of artwork.



We will be focusing further on addition and subtraction methods, crossing over 10, adding and subtracting 1 digit numbers from 2 digit numbers. We will also be looking at identifying different shapes and their properties. 



Our focus book is the beautifully illustrated The Night Gardener. We will be looking at the narrative and also be creating a diary entry later in the term.


Dare I mention the Christmas word? 

We are already practicing our songs ready to wow you with our Christmas production. We will soon be starting full rehearsals for the event.


This term will also host charity events like Children in Need, Christmas jumper day and so much more (look out for a parent mail detailing a special day for year 2).  I'm really looking forward to sharing these experiences with you all.


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