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Ketton C of E Primary School

Term 4

Welcome back to term 4. This term our topic is called “I wonder who’s afraid of the big bad wolf?’. In this topic we will be sharing traditional tales and thinking about the different characters and settings of each story. We will explore these stories in lots of different ways, including making our porridge, building the three pigs houses and planting our own beans – do you think ours will grow right up to the clouds? 

In our writing we will start to orally compose and then begin to write our sentences using our growing phonic knowledge to help us. In our Maths sessions we will continue to look at numbers to 10 and compare numbers using the language 'more than' and 'less than'. We will also focus on the composition of these numbers and start to look at the 'whole' of a number being made of 'parts'. 

In our RE sessions, we will focus upon Easter, learning about the meaning of Easter and looking at how Christians celebrate this. 

Don't forget, if you have any questions you can either contact the school office or send a message on Dojo. 

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