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Ketton C of E Primary School

Owls - Year 1

Hello and welcome to the Owls!


We are a class of 26 Year 1s. Our teacher is called Miss Hatton and Miss Hathaway is our teaching assistant.


This year promises to be an exciting, fun filled year. To help you to keep up to date with our learning journey in the classroom, we will be posting regular updates on Class Dojo.


For an overview of the learning taking place this year, click on the Owls LTP below and to have a more detailed picture of what is happening each term, click on the icons above each term name. 



Our P.E. days will vary each term so please keep an eye on the termly overview below or ClassDojo to see when P.E. is happening. Please make sure you remember to come to school in your P.E. kit on the days that we have P.E.


I can't wait to get started on our learning adventure!

Owls Year of Learning

Contact Details and Useful Links
