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Ketton C of E Primary School

Term 5

Hello Owls!


Welcome to Term 5! This term will be filled with lots of exciting learning opportunities and hopefully lots of sunshine!


We will start the term with a short History unit focused on the coronation of King Charles III. We will be answering the enquiry question: Why does the coronation of Charles III matter?


Alongside this unit we will be starting our Science learning linked to plants and we will be answering the question: What is growing in our garden? As part of this learning, we will be looking at the parts of flowering plants and trees and identifying common British plants. We will also be planting some seeds and watching them grow. In Art we will be studying printmaking and during this unit will be looking at two printmakers whose work is inspired by nature. 


Our learning in R.E. will pick up on our previous unit on Islam and we will finish thinking about our big question: Who is Muslim and how do they live? In P.E. we will start the term by learning our country dance for our May Coronation Celebration (details to follow) before doing gymnastics. Please note that our days for P.E. have changed this term. P.E. will now be on a Monday and a Thursday.


Our learning in English this term will be based around the book The Secret of Black Rock by Joe Todd-Stanton. We will use this as a stimulus for writing a return journey story and a postcard. In Maths we will start the term thinking about mass and capacity before completing units on Multiplication, Division and Fractions. 


I am super excited for this term's learning and can't wait to get started. See you all on Monday 17th April! laugh



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