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Ketton C of E Primary School

Standards and Self Evaluation Form (SEF)

Ketton CE School Data set 2024


The table below shows our results and outcomes for the year 2023 – 2024. It compares our school outcomes with National data and data for the RLT. In some cases the DfE have not released 2024 national data sets so I have used 2023 outcomes for comparison. With KS2 results not moving greatly from 2023 then it is highly unlikely that anything will change significantly.


The data sets show our statutory end of year outcomes for EYFS, Year 1 phonics and Year 6 SATS.

For EYFS GLD and Phonics in Y1, there is no national benchmark yet for 2024. Looking at the 2023 benchmarks then we compare very well and I am confident that this will still be the case.

For Year 6 SATS, the scores in brackets are the 2024 national benchmarks and you can see that we compare very well with these.

The final two boxes show scaled scores and times table check outcomes.

Scaled Score is used by the DfE to allow for adjustments to the level of difficulty for the SATS papers. Each point above 100 is generally accepted to be 1 month’s progress above expected. From our data, our children make an average of 3 months additional progress compared to pupils nationally in reading, 5 months in maths and 5 months in GPAS. The national progress is the grey bar. Times table check for Y4 shows in line with national for average score but show more of our pupils get full marks than pupils nationally.

Key data sets, 2024.

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