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Ketton C of E Primary School

Term 6

Time to Shine!


Get your pirate hats at the ready because this term we will begin to plan, rehearse and prepare for our end of year production, which will be Pirates of the Curry Bean!


We have an incredibly busy and fun-filled term ahead Falcons! Get prepared for swashbuckling pirates, spectacular scientists, speedy swimmers, incredible coders and daring designers!


In Geography, we will spend some time revisiting our previous enquiry question 'Would you choose to live on the ring of fire?' Following on from our focus on the physical Geography of this region earlier in the year, we will explore this region in further detail to provide our final response to our enquiry question.


In English, we will begin to revisit text types we have already covered this year. We will place a clear focus on opportunities to write independently, be creative and apply all of the amazing knowledge we have gained this year.

We will continue to complete our class texts from this year during our class read and BEAR sessions. We will also use a variety of short texts to help provide a range of reading experiences and opportunities.


In Maths, we will finish our last few lessons on decimals before beginning to explore geometry and measurements.


In Science, we will begin to look at changing materials. We have plenty of hands-on learning planned and I'm sure you are going to have a blast with all of the experiments!


In D&T, we will begin to think about combining shapes to help produce items for our end of year production.


In PE, we will continue attending swimming lessons on Monday afternoons.

Our other PE session be on a Tuesday where we will continue to work on athletics with Mr Andre. We will also have an extra opportunity to stay active this term when practising our dances and songs for our end of year production.


We are also lucky enough to have Mrs Regan and Mrs Honorez back this term for Music and French.


For our PSHE lessons, we will continue to enjoy our Thriving Through Change sessions.

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